
Editorial: Geoscience in a time of pandemics

Source: Tennant, J. P., Illingworth, S., Stewart, I., and von Elverfeldt, K.: Editorial: Geoscience in a time of pandemics, Geosci. Commun., 3, 71–72, https://doi.org/10.5194/gc-3-71-2020, 2020. We, the executive editors at Geoscience Communication, sincerely hope that this message finds you and your loved ones in good health. We are in the midst of a global-health crisis, […]

Comments for Times Higher Education: University of California break with Elsevier tipped to boost ‘global revolt’

Times Higher Education just published an article about the latest in the ongoing ‘Elsevier versus everyone else’ saga. It contains a quote from me, so I decided to post my full unedited response to Ellie, the writer, here for full transparency (with permission). Her questions are in italics, and my responses in normal text. How […]

Trust me, I’m a scientist.

Why should people trust the published scientific record? Imagine this hypothetical, but potentially very real, conversation with a non-academic: 1: “This research paper has been published, and therefore is scientifically valid.” 2: “But it’s paywalled, I can’t access it. How do I know it’s valid?” 1: “Because it has been peer reviewed.” 2. “Can you […]

Other stuff wot I wrote

As I’m sure many of you are aware, this is not the only platform I write on. This is my own personal blog, which explains the perpetually low quality of the ramblings on here. I also write a lot for ScienceOpen, and also the PLOS Paleo Community. The former of these includes a lot of […]