
Injustice in the British Justice System?

Most people in the UK will hopefully be aware of the recent event covered by the BBC News, whereby a woman was arrested for having a ‘racist rant’ on a tram in London. Articles by the BBC on this story can be found on the following two links, and the video of the event filmed […]

New Ceratopsid Dinosaur Re-found

Several links already summarise most of what is already known: http://www.nhm.ac.uk/about-us/news/2011/december/new-horned-dinosaur-hidden-for-90-years-in-museum106428.html http://www.alfmuseum.org/in-the-news/112-new-dinosaur-named-by-alf-scientist http://www.montrealgazette.com/technology/Long+ignored+fossil+determined+species+horned+dinosaur/5816853/story.html  I just wanted to spread the word a bit, and also show this picture I just found of the actual specimen! I took this photo last year while volunteering in the NHM. Copyright of the image goes to the Natural History Museum, […]

Why Job Applications Suck

I think this is something that pretty much all of us will be able to relate to. How often are you filling in an online application, having spent half an hour basically re-writing your CV into the various terrible formats available in application forms, to then come across the dreaded ‘competency questions’. If anything, these […]