
Open Science MOOC: Spring Update

Earlier this year, we announced that we were going to build an Open Science MOOC! So far, more than 30 people from around the world have contributed their time and expertise. Thanks to their volunteer input, we have all managed to construct a proposed structure for this project, which can be found here. This is still in the draft stage and requires fleshing out, but the structure is in place and that’s a pretty awesome development!

Proposed overview structure for the Open Science MOOC
Proposed draft overview structure for the Open Science MOOC

So fund me maybe?

In the principles of being open, we have just submitted an application for a Mozilla Science mini grant to try and spark some new life into the MOOC. You can find the application details here too. The application is for an artist to illustrate each module for the MOOC, and help appeal to wider audiences. We will also be applying for Digital Research Inclusion Funding from eCampusOntario in the near future, as the MOOC definitely fits within their remit.

At the moment, this is purely a volunteer collaboration. My vision for its completion is to become part of the essential training of new students and existing researchers alike. The funding proposals are not for personal reasons, but for helping to develop the project content. Ultimately, this will help create a better resource for you all!

Open Science is just good science in the Web age. We need to make sure that global communities have these skills to do high quality research. Remember, the project is completely open at this stage to collaborations from anyone. No matter your background, geography, career stage, or anything else – the only requirement is your interest!

3 thoughts on “Open Science MOOC: Spring Update

  1. What a great initiative! Was totally under my radar until now. The proposed structure looks good! I can imagine this being relevant to scientists in every stage of their career, and even a generic audience with an interest in Science (and Arts, Humanities, Social, etc.) What would it take to bring this to the masses?

    A VLE/LMS platform to host the MOOC? There are some free and Open, and some that originate from Universities and that are now run as business.
    To create awareness and sign-ups exposure and advertising comes in handy.
    And what about people to do some coordination and/or maintenance?

    All in all, to take it further, some kind of (formal) organisation and with that a budget seems inevitable… So involvement from Academies, PhD Councils, Funding Organisations would be great, and what about corporate sponsors? So many ideas, I will drop more in the Google Doc soon.

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