
Should we cite preprints?

Recently, Matt Shawkey*, an Associate Professor at the University of Gent, tweeted his opinions about citing preprints in formal research publications, stating that they should not be cited as equivalents to papers that had been peer reviewed. This led to a great deal of interesting discussion around the topic, but scattered all over various Twitter […]

Why we don’t need journal blacklists

A journalist approached me yesterday, and asked the question: “I’d like to know what you think about [journal/publisher] blacklists and whether you would pay for one?” I can’t reveal too much about the context just yet (see here), but it was regarding the release of a new ‘blacklist’ this month by a company called Cabell’s […]

PaleorXiv: Now open for submissions!

tl,dr: We’re launching a preprint server for Paleontology, paleorXiv. Email me for submissions. Open Access is the future of publishing, one way or another. One way that different research communities are doing this is through preprints. These are research articles that are published online prior to the peer review process. The main rationale behind them […]

Why Unpaywall will be a game-changer

Oh god, not another post about Open Access. Yep, sorry, we’re going to keep talking about this stuff, because it’s something worth talking about. Recently, a new tool has come out, from the makers of OADOI and ImpactStory, that allows users to ‘jump the paywall’ and access research articles for free. It’s called Unpaywall, and […]

Illegal file hosting site, ResearchGate, acquires massive financial investment

ResearchGate is a platform where its users, primarily researchers, routinely engage in massive-scale copyright infringement of published works. It was announced this week and covered in a series of high profile venues, including the New York Times, Business Insider, TechCrunch, and Research Information, that the platform had acquired $52.6 million in funding from a range […]

And the rich get richer..

The Gates Foundation and the American Association for the Advancement of Science have reached a new deal regarding how Gates-funded researchers can publish Open Access with the Science series of journals. Yippeeee! Progress from both publishers and funders in implementing OA for “high quality” research (their words, not mine), can only be a good thing, right? […]