
Were pterosaurs the flamingos of the Jurassic? | PLOS Paleo Community

“Never mind bats and birds, pterosaurs were the first real evolutionary heroes who gained the ability of powered flight. While often mistaken for dinosaurs, pterosaurs are actually more like their cousins. Being a bit of an evolutionary marvel, with their thin membranous wings, fragile skeletons, and long, pointed beaks, they have become quite a fascinating group to study the ecology of.

One of the most fascinating things that the fossil record can show us is evidence of feeding relationships. If you think about it, this is far more exciting than just finding skeletons. While the bones of animals might tell us more about how an animal died, it is the study of trace fossils – like trackways or burrows – that tell us what an animal was doing while it was actually alive.”

More at the source: Were pterosaurs the flamingos of the Jurassic? | PLOS Paleo Community

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