Teaching scientists how to share code | Opensource.com
Would it surprise you to learn that most of the world’s scholarly research is not owned by the people who funded it or who created it? Rather it’s owned by private corporations and locked up in proprietary systems, leading to problems around sharing, reuse, and reproducibility.
The open science movement is challenging this system, aiming to give researchers control, ownership, and freedom over their work. The Open Science MOOC (massively open online community) is a mission-driven project launched in 2018 to kick-start an open scientific revolution and foster more partnerships between open source software and open science.
The Open Science MOOC is a peer-to-peer community of practice, based around sharing knowledge and ideas, learning new skills, and using these things to develop as individuals so research communities can grow as part of a wider cultural shift towards openness.
Source: Teaching scientists how to share code | Opensource.com
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