
Science: Disrupt

I was interviewed for Science Disrupt about scholarly publishing, academic reform, and the usual stuff. Enjoy! Source: Science: Disrupt The cost of knowledge is extraordinarily low and the cost of withholding knowledge is extraordinarily high By Lawrence Yolland Jon Tennant, a palaeontologist and Batman of Open Access sat down with us (over Skype) to discuss […]

Every time you publish behind a paywall, a kitten dies.

This was originally posted at: http://blogs.egu.eu/palaeoblog/?p=1194 “Every day, people are denied access to something they have a right to.” That’s the opening line from a new appeal from students Joe McArthur and David Carroll. Open Access describes a form of publication of research where articles are made instantly available for free, and with unlimited reusability rights, […]

My year in 2013

Inspired by Martin Eve, I decided to make a documentation of academic-related stuff I’ve achieved in 2013. The last year was mostly occupado by the first year of my PhD, but other academic-ish stuff too as complimentary activities to research. This is kinda like a personal diary of ‘achievements’, as well as a documentation of […]

From impact factors to impact craters

This was originally posted at: http://blogs.egu.eu/palaeoblog/?p=542 Day 2 in the Big Brother house (aka the European Geosciences Union General Meeting). There’s no where near enough beer, and tensions are getting high. A horde of angry horses have invaded the lower levels, and taken the President of Austria hostage, with demands of lowering the Fair Straw Tax. […]