

“Today, along with Stuart Lawson and Jon Tennant, I have submitted the below as a complaint to the Competition and Markets Authority, making good on the advice of Ann McKechin, MP at the BIS Inquiry into Open Access in 2013. The document is also available as a PDF.“ Yeah we did. Original post via Martin […]

Shaping an Open World

I think the ‘Open movement’ might have an image problem. From the outside, and even from within, it might seem as though it’s a very low level affair. To many, I get the impression that it looks like it’s about toppling an industry, or implementing a policy change here or there. And with this lots […]

A challenge to publishers to justify embargo periods

Embargo periods on scientific research are now fairly commonplace. They are sanctions imposed by publishers on different versions of a research manuscript, often termed the author-accepted manuscript (AAM) or post-print,  in order to delay public release of those versions. Typically at this stage, the publishers themselves have had little or no input to the process besides […]

Science: Disrupt

I was interviewed for Science Disrupt about scholarly publishing, academic reform, and the usual stuff. Enjoy! Source: Science: Disrupt The cost of knowledge is extraordinarily low and the cost of withholding knowledge is extraordinarily high By Lawrence Yolland Jon Tennant, a palaeontologist and Batman of Open Access sat down with us (over Skype) to discuss […]