
Citations, altmetrics, and the impact factor

Metrics, metrics, everywhere. Not a day goes by in academia without some new metric being designed to measure research assessment, or a complaint about how crap another metric is. There are soooo many studies out there that look at things like how open access influences citation rates or altmetrics, or what the relationship between altmetrics and […]

The least sexy and most important paper I have written so far

So today I’m happy to announce my latest publication is out! It’s in Nature Communications, which apparently means it’s ‘good’ (whatever that means), and so is likely to appear on Retraction Watch within the week. The paper is entitled “Sea level regulated tetrapod diversity through the Jurassic/Cretaceous transition”, and represents the core of my PhD research. […]

Help us, we're poor

Straight to it. Myself and Bastian Greshake have been invited to OpenCon this year. Sadly though, we were not awarded travel grants. Super sadly, we’re both poor too. As such, we’ve launched a crowdfunding campaign on IndieGogo to help us get to Washington DC. All the details are on the page, including a video with […]

Reddit Science and the impact factor of doom

So Reddit is pretty awesome for science communication, in my experience. It’s an enormous network of potential audiences to reach with new research, and things like Reddit AMA’s allow pretty cool engagement directly with research and researchers. Some researchers have had pretty poor experiences with Reddit, as we might expect. After all, Reddit is just […]

The first crocodile ancestors | PLOS Paleo Community

Did you know that birds and crocodiles are practically cousins? Around 230 million years ago, you wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference between the two different lineages. This is because birds and crocodilians (which includes alligators, caiman, and gharials) are part of a much larger group called Archosauria, or ruling lizards, which means they […]

Birds of a fibula | PLOS Paleo Community

Over the last 20 years, there has grown insurmountable evidence that birds are the direct modern descendants of dinosaurs. Eagles are dinosaurs. Pigeons are dinosaurs, annoyingly. Even penguins are weird, swimming dinosaurs. The data supporting this comes from a whole range of scientific domains, from the discovery of thousands of feathered dinosaurs in the fossil record to chemical […]

Why I will never publish with Wiley again

So anyone who knows me knows that I’m not the hugest fan of large, commercial publishers, and for a variety of reasons. I want to tell you of a recent experience though with Wiley, one of the most prominent (profiteering) research publishers out there. This experience, in combination with numerous other factors, was so infuriating, that […]